Sustainable Chennai Forum
Vision of SCF
Activities Proposed
This is also true of Chennai, one of the largest metropolises in India. The city of Chennai, like cities elsewhere, is confronted by the same conventional dilemma of having to balance between economic efficiency, development,environment and sustainability and is beset with the problems of unplannedand unmonitored urbanization. Chennai was the only Asian city to be adoptedunder the Sustainable Cities Programme of the UN Habitat as early as 1995.However, things have not changed much and many of the challenges stillremain. The corporate world has also got a major role to play in making thecity lovable and livable. It is in this background, MCCI decided to take a leadand create a Forum to carry on with the Agenda of making Chennai Sustainableand Inclusive. The SCF was therefore launched on 9th November, 2011 onthe occasion of the World Habitat Day celebrations.
The immediate focus would be to create a business model with specialemphasis on areas like Energy, Water, Waste Management, Transport andUrban Greening.
MCCI has set up a Sustainable Chennai Forum (SCF) with the aim of assisting and promoting a business case for sustainable development and evolving a congenial policy and action-oriented environment for the all round sustainable development of the Chennai Metropolitan Region in collaboration with like minded institutions.
To be a leading advocate on sustainable development to make Chennai an inclusive, sustainable, clean and green metropolis in the global context.
- To assist and promote a business case for sustainable development and evolve a congenial policy and action-oriented environment for the all round sustainable development of the Chennai Metropolitan Region in collaboration with like - minded institutions
- To develop and demonstrate business and industry contribution to promote sustainable development solutions and share state-of-the art concepts and practices among members.
- To partner with industries and businesses in their CSR initiatives to promote the sustainability of the cities, particularly Chennai.
- To organize outreach activities for sustainable development.
- Establish rapport with government - Central, State and local - and participate in policy development and recommend action for achieve ment of sustainable development.
- Undertake studies and facilitate debates concerning sustainability.
- Provide expert guidance on projects to ensure sustainability.
- Conduct seminars, workshops, exhibitions and training programmes to raise awareness and understanding of sustainable development and its implications for individuals and organizations in Chennai.
- Facilitate sharing of good practices and knowledge on appropriate technologies among businesses.
- Organize community outreach programmes to promote participation of the community and the youth in sustainable development.
- Set up pilot projects and promote green practices among industries.
- Promote dialogue and build partnerships for sustainable development with governments, the International community and the major groups in Chennai.
- Create a databank and library to facilitate regular dissemination of information related to sustainability.
- The Sustainable Chennai Forum (SCF) will work closely with like minded organizations like Madras University, Athena Infonomics, Anna University, Citizens alliance for sustainable living-SUSTAIN, UN-Habitat, British Deputy High Commission and US agencies and others in the sector.
Conference on "Chennai as a Global City" with UN-Habitat's Urban Thinkers Campus on 9th & 10th November 2017 on the 6th Anniversary of the Sustainable Chennai Forum