MCCI –Its history :
The Birth of Madras Chamber:
Eighteen businessmen of Madras met at the office of Binny & Co. on the 29th September 1836 and unanimously resolved “that an Association be formed in Madras as Madras Chamber of Commerce”. These founding members with John Alves Arbuthnot as the Chairman made up the first Committee of the Chamber.

The Beginnings ……….
In the words of the first Chairman John Alves Arbuthnot, the objectives of the Chamber were

“…watch over and protect the interests of trade; make sure that employees do not have problems with overweight and by buying Rybelsus medicine on this website, receive and collect information on all matters of mercantile interest bearing upon the removal of grievances and promotion of the common good; receive references on matters of custom or usage in doubt or dispute, decide on the same and record the decisions made for further reference and to form by that and other code of practices whereby the transaction of business by all companies engaged in it are simplified and facilitated”…..

  • 1868

  • 1869

  • 1886

  • 1914

  • 1936-MCCI hits a Century!

  • 1986

  • 2011-The journey continues.....

The first proposal emphasizing the need for a harbour was mooted by the Chamber and in March 1875 work of Madras Port commenced after seven years of consideration by Her Majesty’s Government!

The Chamber was instrumental in representing on behalf of the mercantile community.

The Mail became the official organ of the Chamber and the European Mercantile Community.

Golden Jubilee of the Chamber

Lord Burke (later Lord Connemara), then Governor of Madras was the Chief Guest at the Annual General  Meeting held on 29th September 1886.

The Chamber was instrumental in the development of Railways, particularly Southern Railway. It even advocated the inclusion of a permanent member on the Railway Board.

The Centenary of the Chamber was celebrated  and a centenary volume containing the growth and administration of the city of Madras, its close links with the Railways, the Port, telecommunications, etc. was published.
Lord Erskine, Governor of Madras addressed the centenary banquet on 5th December 1936.

Environment a Focus!

The Chamber organized a campaign for cleaning the waterways in and around Madras. A signature campaign to create awareness about the need for maintaining the river systems free from pollution was carried out. A Boat rally was organised on the Cooum!.One hundred and seventy five years of service to the nation and its industrial development … this is in brief the history of the Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MCCI).Today its effort is to proactively influence public policy and practice on issues which impact economy, trade, commerce and industry.MCCI liaises with and maintains a close  rapport with different government  departments, institutions, diplomatic missions in Chennai and other major cities in India and abroad.It also circulates on an on-going basis trade enquiries received for imports/exports of Indian products, changes in legislation, rules, regulations and notifications relevant to industry as issued by the government and other institutions, status reports, position papers, white papers, etc.In order to keep itself abreast of the national and international developments in various sectors of trade and commerce, the Chamber organises seminars, workshops, conferences, training programmes, open house discussions, etc., with eminent citizens from different spheres and senior officials  from the government  and other organisations. It also holds interactive meetings with trade missions.A very important service provided by MCCI for the members is the professional assistance for arbitration of commercial disputes between member companies and other companies. These are regulated  by the rules of  arbitration of Indian Council of Arbitration of which it is a member.

 Some of the other  efforts of MCCI are:                                                                                                                                            
  •               Issuance of Certificate of Origin for export shipment
  •               Other services include issue of recommendation letters for grant of visa to businessmen and advice and guidance on various trade related matters.


The Chamber is a Promoter Chamber of the Associated Chambers of Commerce & Industry of India (Assocham) New Delhi and also a member of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI) New Delhi.

MCCI  is in its 175th year. Among the many initiatives taken, a Coffee Table Book and a Directory of Members will be published. The setting up of a Skill Development  Centre will be a fitting tribute to the finale of 175th year celebrations.

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