Madras Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MCCI) the oldest Chamber of Commerce of Tamil Nadu, has mobilized the support of its members to donate 72 oxygen concentrators of 10L capacity worth almost Rs 1 crore to the Omandurar General Hospital to help the large surge of the patients in the Hospital.

The Chamber, after taking an active part in the vaccination drive of the employees of the industries and helping to get more than 5000 employees of its member companies vaccinated in the last few weeks, took a step forward to reach out to its member companies seeking their support to procure oxygen generators for the hospital to meet their immediate needs. Aggregating the generous support from member companies, the Chamber could arrange for 72 equipments and hand them over to the Dean of the Hospital in the august presence of the Honourable Minister Thiru.Ma Subramanian, Minister for Health , Government of Tamil Nadu. official zlibrary domain zlib . Find free books

Mr. Srivats Ram, President said “During this critical period, I am overwhelmed by the responses and support of the members to the Chamber, by contributing close to Rs.1Crore towards mobilization of oxygen concentrators, facilitated by the Chamber, aside from individual contributions they have made”.

Mr.Tuncay Deriner, MD of Stahl India Pvt Ltd commented: “At Stahl we are globally committed to being a catalyst for sustainable development and positive change and we are therefore very grateful to support to the best of our capacity for this noble cause initiated by MCCI.“

Secretary General

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