Rise above your gender to lead – The New Indian Express

Members of Women of Worth during the launch

CHENNAI: In a bid to address the shortage of women leaders with adequate training in the national and international sphere, She Leads, a unique leadership initiative for women, was launched recently by Women of Worth (WOW), a Chennai-based NGO in association with the Madras Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI) and the British Deputy High Commission.
Speaking at the launch of the event at the British Deputy High Commission premises, where the logo of the campaign was unveiled, Bharat Joshi, deputy high commissioner, said, “She Leads is about identifying and inspiring the next generation of women leaders and will target thousands of women between the ages of 18-24 across India, starting from Chennai. We are excited to be part of a campaign that will raise awareness on the gender equality gap and also recognise young women with the potential for leadership.”

She Leads campaign involves an active social media outreach that hopes to identify 10 women from the country, through a contest aimed at gauging the candidate’s natural ability as a leader. There will be live campaigns in New Delhi and Chennai, with online presence in the rest of the country.  Tammy Sandhu, who heads the She Leads programme said, “They will go through a tailored Leadership Mentoring Training Programme that will give them access to high profile events at the High Commission and MCCI, and guidance for prestigious fellowships such as Chevening Scholarships as well.” She added that the winners would also be a part of mentoring programmes and initiatives of WOW.

Sandhu said that the training would help break the glass ceiling by adequately equipping women to take up roles in business, politics, education and other fields. “The initial programme will be for six months, after which they will still be given support if required and access to any future programmes that may help in their development,” she said.

While MCCI is a resource and supporting partner for the event, WOW is an NGO that works to address gender inequality and gender-based violence. WOW also has two very active campaigns namely the ‘Dark is Beautiful’ and ‘Girl Arise’ campaigns.

New campaign to focus on empowering women leaders – The Hindu – 22nd October

With a view towards empowering women with leadership skills and identifying those with leadership potential, the British Deputy High Commission, Chennai, launched a campaign, ‘She Leads’, here on Friday.

The nation-wide social media-driven campaign will have the British Deputy High Commission partnering with Women of Worth (WOW), a city-based NGO, and Madras Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI). The campaign will shortlist 10 women in the 18-24 age group through a social media contest and hone their leadership skills through training programmes.

Elaborating on the project, Tammy Sandhu, Deputy Head of Mission, British Deputy High Commission, Chennai, said the chosen candidates will be invited to motivational talks of speakers from India and the U.K. to help them emerge as next generation leaders.

“They will also have access to events organised by the Commission and Chevening scholarship. We’ll keep in touch with the candidates even after the completion of the project,” she said.

Earlier, during the launch, Bharat Joshi, British Deputy High Commissioner, Chennai, underlined the need to help women leaders emerge and how women are under-represented in leadership positions across various sectors in different countries. The project will help inspire young women to take up leadership roles.

WOW will take the campaign to educational institutions and hold events for college students. Young women will be encouraged to take part in the online contest on what it means to be a leader throughsheleadschange.in.

MCCI’s secretary general K.Saraswathi and WOW’s director of partnerships Fenny Kanagaraj also spoke.

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